b'FEATURED ARTICLEAn opportunity was also identified to ask the families ofOn reflection, we are certainly pleased that we went our youngest learners in the Seymour Early Years (ELC)ahead with the ask and with the tweaks and tailored for support toward a specific building project.communications, we were able to speak to our communitys willingness to help and make a difference. The outcome of our campaign is that we not only exceeded our target, but this campaign raised more than in 2019. There was certainly a risk associated with this strategy, but during this time our families were not paying fees (due to the government assistance) and we were aware of parents who were keen to give back to the College. This approach certainly paid off as donations from our Early Years community were significant due to the gratitude they felt for the ongoing care of their children in a difficult time.Our community giving reminders were also carefullySally Pennconsidered. We took a much softer approach to previousDirector of Enrolments and Community Relations, years with tempered phone calls and email reminders. Seymour College, South AustraliaOCTOBER 2020 63'