b'FEATURED ARTICLEFOCUS ON TERTIARYWithout a doubt, 2020 so far has been a year of change, flexibility and reflection for many, including me. H ome schooling, WFH, Zoomer and the new normal are all common sayingsthisyear.TheofficequarantinisoverTeamsonFriday afternoons have replaced the after work drinks at the local. Weird as it is to have a glass of wine over a video call, it now seems, well, normal. We are not just socialising online, we are running our engagement events online, cross campus meetings and more. Back in January the idea of setting up a Zoom meeting seemed so foreign and now I find myself sharing my screen, running polls, and racing from one virtual chat to the next. While I dont have a crystal ball, I can say that the Advancement profession will most certainly continue to operate online at least part of the time. In a way, the pandemic has recalibrated our profession and activated every draft digital plan on the planet. What will stay? International alumni relations programs have never been more engaging and are saving costs. Thats not to say alumni engagement cant exist without the tea and biscuits, but some of what we do now is still on goal, but much easier. As an example, our international students who either never made it to Australia to study in person or have headed home are now able to attend our post-graduation career networking events. Or they can be connected with someone to chat with, from their home townall online. A research webinar where the best moderator for the job can dial in and do the job from Seattle or London. Just such a game changer. ManyuniversitiesaredoingcelebrationGraduationvideosnottoreplacethe ceremony but to ensure the Class of 2020 is acknowledged and they know we know this is different. So while we can expect the high teas and the in person panel discussions to come back, more than likely we will have two versions to offer.18 FACE 2 FACE MAGAZINE'