Educate Plus


Your point of difference is not enough

Danielle Hargrove Blog 28 July 2024

Recognised authority and facilitator Pauline returned to Adelaide to present at EDGE 2019, the SA/NT Chapter Conference. Pauline specialises in facilitating organisational transformation, enabling the individual and the organisation to perform at their best and to become a leader in their field. People don’t buy what you do, they…

Successfully delivered online training program

Successfully delivered online training program

Educate Plus News 28 July 2024

Successful and smooth transition for our newly accredited Advancement Practitioners Thanks to a fantastic group of presenters and a very accommodating group of participants we were very fortunate in being able to move our Certified Practitioner Training online this year due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions. While not networking and…

Need new website imagery?

Need new website imagery?

Naomi De Rosa Blog 28 July 2024

Not sure where to go for your website imagery? Check out this blog by Educate Plus Fellow Margo Bastow Director Community Relations | Experienced Marketer | Loves Content Marketing | #CreateTheChange In School Marketing Purchasing images can sometimes get a little costly so…

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