Educate Plus

The Trevor Wigney Award

Trevor Wigney Award

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This Award is the most prestigious recognition of a member for outstanding service in educational Advancement in Australasia. It recognises individuals who have made a significant contribution through exceptional Advancement success and who have elevated the professionalism of their colleagues by mentoring and giving generously of their time, expertise, vision and conviction.

Our 2024 Trevor Wigney Award recipient was:

Vicki Fowler | Executive Director Connect Futures NZ

Congratulations to our past recipients:

  • 2022 – John Phillips
  • 2018 – John Collin
  • 2016 – Debbie Cook
  • 2014 – Carolyn Prebble and Di Lawrence
  • 2012  – Marilyn Rickard
  • 2010 – Dr Alan Watkinson & Sue Lear
  • 2008 – Henry Campey
  • 2006 – Clare Pullar & John Kramer
  • 2004 – Mack Jones
  • 2002 – Alex Panarese
  • 2000 – Ann Badger
  • 1998 – Linda Griffith
  • 1996 – Michael Thornton & Brian Reid
  • 1994  – Peter Crook
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About Trevor Wigney

Trevor Wigney was an inspirational role model and passionate advocate in the early days of educational advancement in Australia.

He was a key and founding member of Educate Plus (formerly ADAPE), seeing it unfold from informal lunch discussions amongst advancement professionals in Melbourne in the late 1980s to bear fruit with the first Development Conference at the King’s School, Parramatta, NSW held in 1988.

Trevor’s career was divided between North America and different points around Australia. He held various positions including at the University of Toronto in educational research, as Foundation Principal of John Flynn College at James Cook University, and Master of Burgmann College at ANU. Trevor pioneered the establishment of alumni programs at both the University of Melbourne and the University of WA and was known for his tireless advocacy for the growth of educational advancement. However, it is his generosity of time and willingness to share his expertise for which he is best remembered. He supported many fledgling advancement officers with great enthusiasm and passion, professional knowledge and friendship.

Sadly, he died prematurely in 1991, when Educate Plus was becoming more formally established as an organisation. His colleagues and friends felt it only fitting that the Trevor Wigney Award be established to honour his commitment to Educate Plus, his work in advancement throughout Australia and his personal contribution to so many fellow professionals’ career development. 

The inaugural Trevor Wigney Award was made during the Educate Plus (formerly ADAPE) Conference in Perth in 1994.

Application process and criteria

Nominations for the Trevor Wigney Award are to be submitted by Educate Plus Chapter Presidents to the Educate Plus Chief Executive Officer. Nominations should address the following criteria:

  1. A description of nominee’s personal performance in educational advancement
    • List years of involvement and results in advancement activities
    • Include verification by nominee’s Principal / Vice-Chancellor (or equivalent)
    • Description of hands-on involvement as opposed to an overseeing role
  2. A description and provision of evidence of the nominee’s mentoring of colleagues
    • Willingness to give advice, value and generosity of advice
    • Availability for presentations at seminars
    • Informal associations
    • Participation in the Educate Plus Mentoring Program
    • Where possible, testimonials from mentees should be included
  3. A description and provision of evidence of the nominee’s vision for educational advancement in Australasia
    • Include their specific actions to advance this
    • Include challenges faced
  4. Details of the nominee’s commitment to and involvement in Professional Development
    • Details of conference presentations, workshop / forum organisation, presentations, etc.
  5. An outline of the nominee’s involvement in professional bodies, notably Educate Plus, formerly ADAPE
    • Details of professional accreditation held by the nominee
    • Details of the nominee’s relevant education

Judging for the Trevor Wigney Award is undertaken by a sub-committee of the Educate Plus Board and chaired by the Chief Executive Officer. The sub-committee will include at least one previous recipient of the award.

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