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Reply To: Online applications

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Hi All,
I am only one year into my role as registrar and know nothing else other than what we have here at Terrace (Bris)… we use TASS and also use Digistorm for online applications. TASS and Digistorm are now talking to each other much more than what they were and the transferring of info from d/s to TASS is much easier. We have also (for the first time) used the interview module of d/s quite successfully (after some tweaking by d/s). Our next step is to use d/s for the submission of all application and enrolment documents but this will take some time to change but d/s seem to be on board in wanting to help us achieve this. With regards signatures on documents and contracts… we currently still do the hard copy version but have done some preliminary investigation into a program called Docusign. I know some legal firms that use it so I suspect that it would be appropriate for the signing of enrolment documents. I know there is another EREA school in Brisbane whose enrolment process from beginning to end is all online using TASS and D/s. I have had preliminary discussions with them when I first started but need to find time to pay them another visit. Regards Andrea

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