Educate Plus

Reply To: Probationary Enrolment

Home Forums Members Admissions Probationary Enrolment Reply To: Probationary Enrolment

Penelope Stewart
Forum Participant

Good Morning
We offer “conditional” enrolment which forms part of the offer letter to the family. The families must sign the conditions schedule with the offer letter or the offer does not proceed. We have prepared a bank of conditions which often relate to our student code of conduct but are relevant specifically to the student being enrolled, especially if there are other issues identified in their previous school. Examples include:
Conditions of Offer for the student

• Conditional enrolment for (period of time) to be reviewed at the end of Term (whichever term date)
• Regular meetings with Deputy Head of School (weekly, then fortnightly)
• Adherence to School Policies, in particular the Mobile Phone, Student Code of Conduct and Uniform policy.
• Social media – compliance with policies and procedures.
• Engagement with an external psychologist to support anxiety related issues (or other issues) stemming from previous school. Psychologist to sign consent with school and provide guidance for school. (if applicable)
• Co-Curricular involvement from Term 3 such as clubs, afterschool homework classes.
• A willingness in class to do his/her best and for his/her marks to be reflective of her abilities.
• Maintain a 90% attendance in all classes.
Whilst all of these are in the student code of conduct, they are a quick and ready reference directly related to the student and can be referred to by the Head/Deputy Head of School, Head of Year and School Psychologist, Learning Support

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