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Reply To: Strategies for photo permission Opt-In and Impact of Recent Privacy Law Changes

Home Forums Members Marketing & Communications Strategies for photo permission Opt-In and Impact of Recent Privacy Law Changes Reply To: Strategies for photo permission Opt-In and Impact of Recent Privacy Law Changes

Pip Lapelms
Forum Participant

We also use Consent2Go and ask parents to update personal details, health information and photo permissions each year. This consent is Opt In not Opt out. It does mean we have a delay at the beginning of the year when parents have not yet completed the form, but we are working on that process, and helping to educate families about the benefits, and what it means for them if they choose not to opt in.
We have just implemented Pixevety which syncs with those permissions and helps us manage publication of images.

We also follow up directly and seek specific permission to use photos in large scale advertising campaigns, to be sure families are comfortable.

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