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Reply To: Strategies for photo permission Opt-In and Impact of Recent Privacy Law Changes

Home Forums Members Marketing & Communications Strategies for photo permission Opt-In and Impact of Recent Privacy Law Changes Reply To: Strategies for photo permission Opt-In and Impact of Recent Privacy Law Changes

Isabella Barila
Forum Participant

Hi Jonas,

We used Consent2Go so it was very easy for us to update our policy and resend the link to parents/caregivers as this system is automated. Anyone who hadn’t responded was resent a follow-up every 5 days until an answer was given.

As far as encouragement goes, our policy notes that we often share images to celebrate a student’s achievements, which I think most parents would like for their child! Out of 750+ students, we only have 10 without permission, so I think our wording has been very encouraging – happy to share this with you in an email.

Good luck!


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