Educate Plus

Reply To: Student Photos for Marketing and Publications

Home Forums Members Marketing & Communications Student Photos for Marketing and Publications Reply To: Student Photos for Marketing and Publications

Zoe Morgan
Forum Participant

Hi Melissa, we moved away from a form and use Pixevety – it’s a storage platform with photo consent built in. Not at all sponsored, but it really helped us manage this area more effectively and gave us much greater peace of mind. It works on facial recognition to identify students, with parents giving permission to use their child’s image. Consent options they can select from are just as you describe – can be restricting their use in school publications, to just restricting their use on social media. Certainly helped us stay compliant with annual expectations in this area. It’s likely a much greater cost than simply using a form, but just thought I’d mention it. Our experience is that they offer great support, especially around implementation, so might be worth getting in touch with them if you think it would be helpful.

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