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Reply To: Giving Days – what worked best onsite on the day?

Home Forums Members Fundraising Giving Days – what worked best onsite on the day? Reply To: Giving Days – what worked best onsite on the day?

Philippa Zingales
Forum Participant

Hi Paul –

We just held our first Giving Day and kept it quite simple.

We did have a call centre with parent volunteers, which I’m very happy to speak with you about. We had between 4 and 10 volunteers every 2 hours or so, but it was flexible. We found that the parents of scholarship recipients were very keen to help out in this way and were our most passionate callers.

Regarding student involvement, we had prefects handing out flyers the afternoon before and the morning of the event to the car lines. We didn’t do a mufti day, but we did do an activity on our field with the entire student body. We also did cupcakes for staffrooms to include staff in the day in a small way. I think house colours would be great and I’d like to do that for a future event with a gold coin.

I’d be happy to talk through our day with you if that’s helpful.


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