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Reply To: School Newsletter open rates

Home Forums Members Marketing & Communications School Newsletter open rates Reply To: School Newsletter open rates

Melissa Watts
Forum Participant

We publish newsletters Weeks 2, 5 & 8 each term. We send 1634 emails and we have an 82% open rate. This also depends on the newsletter information and stories, but generally around this %. We can drill down to what pages are also being read the most and our newsletters are generally not a repeat of our social media pages, so we do have a better engagement on stories. If they are worried about the open rates being low, maybe they need to limit their newsletters to a few times a month and not weekly ordo an ‘audit’ of the news being shared; is it repeat news, is it too long to keep their attention, are the stories ‘boring’ ect.. and possibly do a parents survey about why they do not read it, are they getting it in their Inbox or Spam, how often would they like to see a newsletter?
Hope this helps?

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