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Reply To: School magazine – do you still do one?

Home Forums Members Marketing & Communications School magazine – do you still do one? Reply To: School magazine – do you still do one?

Simone Cumming
Forum Participant

Yes, we still do two magazines a year, which are printed and mailed out and also sent digitally. International alumni now automatically receive digital only due to the high cost of mailing overseas, and we provide the option for all readers to go digital only. Certainly more are taking this option, but it’s still a minority.
Going digital only for all readers is not something we would consider at this stage. The main reason is that we have a lot of older alumni who really enjoy reading the magazine and would not necessarily be connecting with the School on other platforms. Also, it is so easy for emails to get lost in an inbox or for people to think they will go back to it later but never do. Receiving something in the mail these days is special; allows you to read at your own pace, and is also a good ‘coffee table’ publication to share with others.
While it’s a big expense, we feel it’s worth it for maintaining that connection with alumni, promoting ourselves to prospective families, and giving a targeted overview to current families.
Of course it depends on your school and audience. I can see how digital publications for newer/younger schools could make sense.

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