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Reply To: P&F Associations

Home Forums Members Alumni P&F Associations Reply To: P&F Associations

Bill Avery
Forum Participant

Hi Natasha,
We too struggled for engagement and attendance at P&F meetings in recent years. Each school environment is different, but I think an incorporated P&F entity can be quite polarising – you either love the big commitment, or you don’t. The ones that love the big commitment are generally shrinking in this busy and hectic world we live in.
So we have pursued and embraced a Parent Year Group model this year. This means 2 to 4 reps for each year group. No major fundraising focus (leave that the Community Engagement / Development Office) and provide opportunities for parents to support and communicate with one another and the students. We get the group together once a term (still early days) and are developing a schedule of communications and events.
We are still in the development and establishment phase, but so far attendance is good and the meetings have been very engaging. We have 2 x events they have bought into for the 2nd half of this year, so all positive.
Good luck!

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