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Catherine McVean
Forum Participant

Hi Danielle. My team use Campaign Monitor for all comms to non-current school community. SchoolBox is used to communicate to current parents. I previously used Potentiality as comms/eNewsletter to alumnae, however found it clunky and unreliable, and have slowly started sending my standard comms through Campaign Monitor which I feel is a breeze to use. So have now switched to Campaign Monitor and currently producing my next newsletter – I publish one each term to alumnae. I’m finding it easy to create an eNews comm using Campaign Monitor as the formatting is simple and reliable. I too simply copy and paste articles that are published on our website and socials to the eNews, linking back to the alumnae pages on the website. Am steering away from Potentiality due to unreliability and the school has created a new WordPress website, of which our alumnae pages are now contained. My only concern with Campaign Monitor is the suppression of emails. Still trying to work around that. Hope this helps! Cheers, Catherine McVean, Alumnae Relations Manager, Lauriston Girls’ School, Armadale Victoria

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