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Home Forums Members Marketing & Communications eNewsletter Recommendations Reply To: eNewsletter Recommendations

Madison Jensen
Forum Participant

Hi Danielle,

I have recently migrated our newsletter from 10+ PDF pages to a specific newsletter webpage (that I worked with our external website developer to build), and we send a Campaign Monitor EDM with a summary of the articles/links/key dates etc. We also like to include lots of images that we build into our image gallery in each online newsletter article.

As we have one newsletter for P-12 twice a term, there can be quite a lot of articles, and I would estimate it would be at least a full day of work (uploading content, images, image resizing, building the EDM, linking the EDM accordingly to each article) if it’s a really content-heavy newsletter, otherwise slightly less for a smaller edition (however, usually just work on it a few hours at a time each day, due to other ongoing projects in the marketing realm).

Personally, I couldn’t recommend Campaign Monitor enough, as it has more capabilities and fewer limitations than Mail Chimp (I also have used Campaign Monitor in past jobs in a different industry).

In regards to other staff being able to upload to the website, there, unfortunately, isn’t anyone, so it’s a solo job.

If you want to chat more, feel free to reach out!

Maddy – Downlands College, Toowoomba

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