Home Online Marketing SIG – Designing Your New Website "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Position* Institution Name* What content management system (CMS) is your website currently using? (e.g. WordPress, WIX, etc)* Do you manage the majority of the website updates internally?* Yes No Do you employ an external agency to assist with website development/maintenance?* Yes No Do you accept online payments through your School Website (not an external admissions or other website)?* Yes No How do you manage your payment portal? (i.e. is it part of the main website; is it an external service linked from website and password protected; is it app based only)* When did you last do a full website update/refresh?* Do you maintain the current website sitemap?* Yes No Outline how you manage content being put on the website i.e. when requested to put "more information" about a subject/event on the website, what is your approval process and how do you try to manage the size of your website?*Do you regularly complete a video/photography shoot? Please outline how frequently and if these are conducted together/separately*If you have recently completed a website update, please provide your top 5 tips or take away's from the process.