Educate Plus

The Mind of the Leader (Part 1)

The Mind of the Leader (Part 1)

Written by Danielle Hargrove | Marketing & Communications Lead, Educate Plus |15 January 2024

PART 1 of 3:

Have you ever wondered what the ‘X’ factor is that sets successful leaders apart? In the book, The Mind of the Leader, (Hougaard and Carter), the authors discuss that there is a strong correlation between three integral levels of leadership – Self-Leadership, Relational Leadership and Strategic Leadership, and that when combined effectively, these three levels of leadership propel both personal and organisational success. And interestingly, it seems that Self-Leadership could quite possibly be the elusive key ingredient that unlocks the magic!


Self-Leadership is a central theme of the book, which emphasises the importance of understanding and managing thoughts, emotions, and actions. The book outlines several key components of successful self-leadership, which include the development of:

1. Self-Awareness
2. Emotional Intelligence
3. Mindfulness
4. Resilience
5. Integrity
6. Personal Development

1. Self-Awareness

  • Understanding one’s strengths, weaknesses, values and beliefs
  • Recognising and acknowedging emotions and their impact on decision making
  • Developing a clear and realistic perception of oneself

2. Emotional Intelligence

  • Cultivating empathy and understanding the emotions of oneself and others
  • Managing emotions effectively to navigate challenges and conflicts
  • Building positive relationships based on emotional awareness and regulation

3. Mindfulness

  • Practicing mindfulness to stay in the present
  • Using mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, clarity and decision making
  • Developing the ability to observe thoughts without judgement

4. Resilience

  • Building resilience to bounce back from setbacks and challenges
  • Viewing failures as opportunities for growth and learning
  • Maintaining composure and adaptability in the face of adversity

5. Integrity

  • Aligning actions with core values and ethical principles
  • Demonstrating consistency and authenticity in behaviour
  • Building trust through transparent and principled leadership

6. Personal Development

  • Continuously seeking opportunities for learning and growth
  • Setting and pursuing personal and professional development goals
  • Embracing a mindset of lifelong learning and improvement

These 6 components of the first level of leadership set the foundation for the following two levels – Relational Leadership and Strategic Leadership. Keep a look out for insights into these next two levels in the coming weeks!

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