b'VALE Astrida Cooper F.EdPlus 8 February 195825 July 2019She formed strong friendships across groups of past students, current and future parents, staff and leaders as she raised philanthropic funds to support the educational mission of her institutions. Donors responded to her warmth and commitment to good causes and never felt they had been pressured to support a project or a scholarship. They were convinced that they wanted and needed to offer support.Astrida joined Educate Plus and quickly established herself as a valuable volunteer. She became a representative for the Victorianchapterandeventuallybecamesecretarytothe board. She acted as a mentor to newcomers to the profession andwasactiveinthisroleuntilherfinalmonths.Astrida joined the St Catherines foundation board as a volunteer and provided invaluable advice and guidance for their fundraising.ShedevelopedastronginterestinWaverleyStanleys organisationYalari,whichhelpstoeducateandempower Indigenouschildren.ShesatontheVictoriancommittee, helpedorganisetheirhighlysuccessfuldinnersandwas instrumental in getting several schools involved in this ground-breaking program. She also helped to organise fundraising art shows to support scholarships for children in need, all the while Members will be saddened to learn of the recent passing of ourcontinuing to contribute to Imeria monthly, support husband distinguished member, Astrida Cooper.Craigthroughhisprofessionalcommitmentsandprovide support and encouragement to her children, Axi and Peter Born to Latvian immigrants who met in Melbourne in 1954,through their schooling and post-secondary years.AstridaPetersonshadanaturalgiftformakingfriends,During the long year of her illness, Astrida remained positive supporting everyone she knew and giving of herself to helpand strong. She cherished the many friends she had made, others. She would so naturally reach out to others, whetherloved their support and enjoyed keeping in touch with them. theywerefamily,friendsorpeopleandorganisationswhoShe never lost her charm, her goodness or her smile, and she could benefit from her skills, abilities and commitment. approached her end with a strong faith. She was surrounded Astrida attended Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School where sheby her immediate family in her final days. They had always excelled academically in sport and music (as captain of musicbeen the centre of her life, and despite all the time she had and leader of the orchestra). She gained a place at Monashspentvolunteeringandhelpingothers,herfamilywasthe University where she studied medicine and science. At Monash,unshakeable core of her existence.she again thrived in an environment of new experiences andAstrida is survived by her mother, Erika, sister Linda, husband opportunities for service and volunteering. Craig, children Axi and Peter, and a host of extended family, Astrida entered the world of schools around 1989 after thefriendsandcolleagueswhorecogniseherachievementsin birth of her two children. She immediately volunteered in thea life cut far too short. Her funeral was attended by a large variousparentsupportgroupsatbothStCatherinesandnumber of Educate Plus members.Scotch College and became a mainstay for 15 years at bothThis tribute was compiled by Dr Alan Watkinson F.EdPlus and schools. Ann Gillespie, long-time friends and colleagues of Astrida.She involved herself in the Music Auxiliary at St Catherines, eventually taking a leadership role; and at Scotch College she became president of the Junior School Parents Association as well as contributing to a range of other sporting committees, mostnotablytherowingandrugbyclubs.Evenafterher childrenhadgraduated,shecontinuedtobeinvolvedand volunteer to help other parents and their children gain the most from their experiences.In2003,AstridaleftCabriniandchangedhercareer.She joinedScotchCollegeasdevelopmentofficer,andlateras actingdirectorofdevelopmentin2007-08.Shethenspent twoyearsatTrinityCollege,UniversityofMelbourne,as senior development officer before returning to her old school group, Ivanhoe, as head of philanthropy. To all these roles, she brought her quintessential qualities of charm, insight, empathy and compassion, as well as her daunting work ethic.70 FACE 2 FACE MAGAZINE'