b'LeeaaddaaLLeeaarrnniningg L liiffeeLI am by birth, a Sputnik Kid.In 1957 the Soviets launched the worlds first satellite, heraldingthe Post Sputnik kids were growing up in such a way that we the beginning of the Space Age. This new age of science andwere/are losing connection to vital elements that help people technology prompted anthropologist Margaret Mead to call thelead mentally, physically and spiritually healthy lives. We are children born in 1957 The Sputnik Kids. disconnected from:MeadpredictedthatSputnikwouldacceleratetherateofNature change in the world so profoundly that children would growMeaningful Work upinaworldentirelydifferentfromthatoftheirparents. This popularised the phrase generation gap: generationsMeaningful Valuesseparating themselves from one another with big differencesMeaningful Relationships (person to person)in regard to technology, music, beliefs and values.Some have suggested that the rate of change in todays worldRespecthas narrowed from a generation to six years meaning childrenOur Deeper Selves (often because of trauma).born six years apart are born to an increasingly different world, belonging to a completely different generation. Eventhoughhumanlifespansaregrowingandsomesay I recently addressed a group of Year 12 students about Sputnikwehavegreaterpotentialthaneverbefore,wearealso Kids and the Generation Gap. I told these seventeen-year-oldseeing greater anxiety, depression and complexity in how we students that if they had a brother or sister who was six yearslead our lives. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the American younger, their sibling had been born to a different planet.military started to talk of a VUCA Worlda World of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. One of the girls replied that her sister was definitely from a different planet!Being a Sputnik Kid you grow up sensing that:Every six years, its a brand new worldEvery day presents a new opportunity to learnEvery day presents a new opportunity to think your way through lifeEvery day is an opportunity to take one small step for man/woman and one giant leap for all kind.Lost ConnectionsReconnectionSixty-One years after Sputnik, writer and researcher Johann Hari released his book Lost Connections suggesting that 4 2 FACE 2 FACE MAGAZINE'