b'The Clocktower Lawn Picnic (photo: Sharron Bennett)Celebrating 150 years of New Zealands first universityEstablishingtheUniversitya significant educational, economic andThemoreformalofficialcelebrations ofOtagoin1869wasancultural force. It has over 150,000 formerwereheldduringQueensBirthday audacious, courageous move bystudents and enjoys a global reputationWeekendandincludedaConvocation a group of determined Scottishfor outstanding research and teaching. CeremonyintheDunedinTownHall settlers who had brought withTheFocusforthe150thanniversarywhere Honorary degrees were awarded. themastrongbeliefinthehasbeencelebratingandbuildingonThere was also an Anniversary Dinner, a benefits of education. the achievements of the past while atGala Concert celebrating the university Mostpeopleatthetimebelievedthethe same time looking forward to theinwordsandmusicandanall-faith Governmentwouldbebesttofundopportunities of the future. Celebratory Church Service.scholarshipstosendNewZealandersAninclusive,colourfulyearofeventsOther events during the year included to institutions in Britain. Otago however,has been planned, drawing in the widera visit in April from Kansai Universities led by its provincial government, decideduniversityandDunedincommunities.rugbyteamfromJapan,andthe to go it alone and establish a university The idea is that the celebrations shouldAnniversary Gold Ball in August. to the envy of other regions. include something for everyone to enjoySpring celebrations centred around the Thosesettlersknewthatand be part of. 1869 Conference and Heritage Festival, education was crucial to improvingWe tried to offer a whole varietyand the Otago University Rowing Club thelivesoftheirchildren,andof events that suited all differentInternationalRegatta,whichfeatured of their childrens children,saystypes of audiences from familiesvisiting teams from Russia, China and OtagosVice-ChancellorProfessorwithyoungchildrenthroughJapan.Harlene Hayne. That statement appearstoourolderretiredalumniandIn October, the bi-annual Hui Poutama intheForewordtoDrAlisonClarkeseverythinginbetween,saysgaveOtagosMoriacademicstaff recentlypublishedhistoryOtago:150DirectorofDevelopmentandAlumniand postgraduate students the chance Years of New Zealands First University. Relations Shelagh Murray.tosharetheirresearchwithpeers The towns senior Presbyterian ministerKickingofftheyear,thefirstpublicandthewiderDunedincommunity. Thomas Burns, nephew of the famousanniversaryeventwastheClocktowerAcknowledgingtheuniversitys150th Scottish poet Robert Burns, became theLawnPicnicinFebruary.Thiseventcelebrations,thethemefor2019was first Chancellor. The Presbyterian Synodwas open to all staff, students, alumni,about enduring legacy in recognition of funded three of the first four professorialfriends,familiesandresidentsofthe whakapapa of Mori scholarship at chairs. Classes commenced in July 1871,Dunedin. Otago.and in response to a petition in AugustThroughout the year, the 150th Dare to that year, the University Council agreedItwasarealTownandGownbe Wise exhibition at the Otago Museum to admit women to all classes. success,says Ms Murray.Parentshas showcased the research and people boughttheirchildrenandof the university. The Garden of Earthly grandparents came along as well.Delights exhibition at the Hocken Library Otago University today It was a really wonderful occasiondrew exhibits from many departments of Today, celebrating its 150th anniversary,that showed the close relationshipthe university. Otagohasaround20,000students,betweentheuniversityandthe employs more than 3,800 staff, and iscommunity.An anniversary play about two pioneering women graduates has been written, a 10 FACE 2 FACE MAGAZINE'