b'Mentoring TipsMentoring does not always have to be a formal relationship between two people. The likelihood is that you have played a mentoring role in areas of your life before. A position where you have listened, been a sounding board, guided or shared experiences with someone and therefore assisted them further on their own path. Being an effective mentor or mentee requires certain skillsets, abilities and commitment.Below are a few tips to help guide you onIn seeking to understand perspective by listening your way: and observing mentors will be in the position to guide,nurtureandenablementees.Likewise, listen mentees should use the mentoring experience tofullyfocusontheirmentorscounselby listening and questioning continually through the experience.motivate shareWhatbetterwayfora menteetobemotivatedLifeandcareerexperiences tocontinuewiththematter.Shareyourgains relationshipthantofeeland losses with one another. that gains are being made.When a mentor shares their Tickboxesandrewardasfails and stumbles this gives yougo,enablingasensepermissiontoamenteeto ofaccomplishmentandfail too. Storytelling is a great achievementwillmotivateart and way to communicateboth mentor and menteeshare your storiesgain trust forward.Celebratethein one another, and in so doing minor successes, remindersyou will develop a deeper and ofsmallgainsateverymore significant relationship. meetingwillencourage continuedapplicationand involvement.Mentoringshould notallbeabout Onlybychallengingsuccess, achievement, challenge thought,circumstanceenjoy experienceandwork. andprocesscanweTrytofindtimein moveforward.Ineverymentoring challenging one anotherencounterforsome you will not only enablelightness,funand progress,youwilleven a laugh or two.bereachingdesired outcomes and solutions, thereby moving towards greater success.TINA FLEMING Our mentoring platform is here for you.To support andOPERATIONS MANAGER enrich your experiences.Please contact us atEDUCATE PLUSmentoring@educateplus.edu.au if you have any questions or if we can assist you in anyway.6 5DECEMBER 2019 6 5'