Educate Plus

An Invitation to our Regional Colleagues


An Invitation from our Chapter President

We invite all our regional friends and colleagues to join us at the 2019 Queensland Chapter Conference. Please click on the image below to hear from Lea Walker-Franks our Chapter President.

Register Now

It’s my pleasure to announce that registrations are now open for the 2019 Queensland Chapter Conference..

REGISTER NOW to take advantage of our EARLY BIRD RATE for the Conference taking place at The Grand Chancellor Hotel, Brisbane on 5-6 September 2019.

Special notes: Day 1 (5 September) is especially designed with Principal’s, Business Manager’s and/or Board members in mind to encourage ‘investing a day in advancement’ by joining you, thus a 50% discount for their registration. Please note that the equivalent organisation for those working in IT (‘MITIE’) will be held the day before at the same venue (Wednesday, 4 September) making the trip for those out of Brisbane even more valuable.

Eight Conference Bursaries of $250 will be available on a financial needs basis for members. Further details here.

This is our conference; an opportunity for advancement professionals to come together and learn from expert presenters, network and share our learnings and visions.

Download the draft Conference Program here.

We look forward to welcoming you all to the premium professional development program of the year.

Lea Walker-Franks, F.Edplus
St Joseph’s College, Gregory Terrace
Director of Development/Foundation Executive Officer
Educate Plus QLD, President & 2019 Conference Co-Chair


Conference Pricing:

EARLY BIRD RATES – closes Friday 5 April 2019:
Full Conference Member Rate: $446 incl GST
Full Conference Non-Member Rate: $726 incl GST
Day Only Member Rate: $275 incl GST
Day Only Non-Member Rate: $385 incl GST

Member Rate: $550 incl GST
Non-Member Rate: $792 incl GST
Day Only Member Rate: $385 incl GST
Day Only Non-Member Rate: $462 incl GST

What’s in it for you?

Four pillars covering Fundraising, Alumni/ Community Relations/Events,  Admissions & Marketing/Communications with: 

+ Inspiring, innovative & practical tips to implement at your institution

+ Networking opportunities with industry award winners & other leaders

+ Essential learning for professional development  & for future proofing your organisation

We thank our Strategic Partners